A history of the Augustana hospital School of nursing, 1884-1938, (Unknown Binding)
by Amy O Schjolberg (Author)
Aalborg Sygehus - journalarkiv, Gug 99323300 Kontaktet 26/8 2008 Pernille Finding - sygehusets hovednummer
Helsingør lokalarkiv http://www.museerne.helsingor.dk/helsing%C3%B8r%20byhistoriske%20arkiv.aspx 49281838 foto af Helsingør Militærhospital Kontakt 26/8 2008
Gevær Privat samler Jacob Andreasen Markedsvej 46, 9700 Brønderselv tlf: 26 80 43 61
Patricia Stanhope (Arildsen) Cedar Falls, Iowa tlf. 00 1 319 232 1087 patstanhope@yahoo.com
sister to Richard L. Arildsen Cedar Falls, Iowa tlf. 00 1 319 277 0987
Elk Horn Højskole Tom Nielsen Director of Library Services BA, Dana College MLS, Emporia State University tnielsen(at)dana.edu ph. 001 402-426-7301
Palle og Ann-Birgitte Arildsen Vibevænget 10, Sundby L 4800 Nykøbing F tlf. 5485 8852
Magna Uhrenholt (gift med Jens Peder, nevø til Mogens) Kastetvej 33, 26 9000 Aalborg 98 109565
Søren Uhrenholt (søn af Magna, se ovenfor) Gl. Thorupvej 6, Thorup 9330 Dronninglund tlf. 98 857023 s.uhrenholt(at)mail.dk
Dorthea Rasmussen (faster til Søren Uhrenholt, niece til Mogens) Pakhusvej 3 9260 Gistrup tlf. 98 333344
Tønnies Atelier
Nr. Tranders KirkeKirkekontoret Kordegn Inge-Lise Jakobsen Vistisen tlf. 98 157205 ILV(at)km.dk
Sognepræst (kirkebogsfører) Heine Lokjær Hansen tlf. 98 157001 HLOH(at)km.dk Kirkegårdskontor tlf. 98 154548 (ml. 11-12 alle hverdage)
Cedar Falls Historical Society http://www.cfhistory.org/index.htm Jeff Kurtz
Tarquah http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/pictoria/a/1/2/doc/a12557.shtml
Thellufsine http://www.gulle.dk/lundholm_arkiv/c/christensen/aneliste.htm
Agnete Ellegaard Christensen & Per MørupSct. Laurentii Vej 899990 Skagen 98441348 |
Tom Thellefsen98889180, Løkken Karoline Thellefsine51185995, Aalborg
X-From_: Gerald.Peterson@uni.edu Wed Apr 30 23:05:56 2008X-Original-To: kam1658@vip.cybercity.dkDelivered-To: kam1658@vip.cybercity.dkX-Greylist: whitelisted by SQLgrey-1.7.6Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:34:03 -0500From: "Gerald L. Peterson" <Gerald.Peterson@uni.edu>User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071210)To: boecher@wendelboe.dk, gerry@uni.eduSubject: Eline Arildsen
Mr. Wendelboe Boecher--
I am the Archivist of the University of Northern Iowa. Jeff Kurtz, Director of the Cedar Falls Historical Society, gave your question about Eline Arildsen to me.
The University of Northern Iowa was known as the Iowa State Normal School in the 1890s. I checked our records quickly this afternoon and found that Eline Arildsen was a student here at that time. Later this week or early next week I will see if any other information or photographs are available.
My family name is now Peterson, but it was Pedersen before my family came to the US from Denmark in the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s. A few years ago I studied Danish with a teacher from the church congregation to which Eline Arildsen belonged. My knowledge of Danish is limited, but I could read enough of your Web pages to enjoy them. I congratulate you on your very good work.
As I said, I will do research in our school records here and then report to you.
Gerald L. PetersonUniversity ArchivistUniversity of Northern Iowa